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Estate Planning 遗嘱承办


Brief  Introduction - 简短介绍




- 有了遗嘱规划那么你就能自由选择你的财产继承人而不是由法律来决定,

- 确保你的遗产不会分配到给你不熟悉的亲戚,

- 不需要任何担保人,

- 能避免家庭纠纷,

- 为你未成年的孩子选择可靠的监护人,让监护人负责他们生活费用,健康和教育,

- 更好的供养年迈的父母,

- 缩短处理遗产分配的时间,让你的家人可以在1年至2年内获得遗嘱认证文件(Grant of Probate)。



- 死者的亲属必须聘请律师申请遗產管理状(Letter of administration),整个程序方面都会比较复杂和费时,

- 死者的遗产将会依据1958年财产分配法令,第6条文进行分配。该法令的分配法可能与你的意愿有所冲突,

- 需要2位担保人(担保遗产价值),

- 你未成年的孩子也将由法庭决定监护人,

- 遗产分配程序的时间很长,家属可能耗时2年至6年周旋在法庭,各政府单位银行之间,迟迟无法取得应得的财产,

- 律师费以及印花税较昂贵。


  • 撰写遗嘱

  • 成立信托

  • 遗嘱认证

  • 遗产执行书

  • 财产分配庭令

  • 销售庭令

  • 代办土地局遗产分配

  • 家庭协议的服务

Estate planning helps you distribute your estate as you wish in the event of death or incapacitation, coma, or disappearance. Often under the guidance of a lawyer, the goal is to ensure successor and beneficiaries receive assets in a way that manages and minimizes estate, gift and other tax impacts.

What are the advantages of making a will in advance?

Estate planning is essential because when a person dies, all of that person's assets are frozen,

- With estate planning, you're free to choose your successor instead of letting the law decide,

- Can make sure your estate is not distributed to relatives you don't know well,

- No guarantor is required,

- Can avoid family disputes,

- Resolving difficulties in property division and distribution,

- Choose reliable guardians for your minor children and make them responsible for their living expenses, health and education,

- Better support for aging parents,

- Shorten the time it takes to process estate distribution so that your family can obtain a Grant of Probate within one to two years.


If there is no make-a-will, what kind of trouble will there be?

- Relatives of the deceased must hire a lawyer to apply for a Letter of administration. The whole process can be complex and time-consuming,

- If no will is made, the decedent's estate will be distributed in accordance with section 6 of the Distribution Act 1958,

- 2 guarantors are required (guarantee the value of the estate),

- The process of estate distribution will take longer, and the family may spend 2 to 6 years going through the courts, various government units and banks, delays in obtaining the property due,

- High lawyer fees and stamp duty.

The services provided by our Law Firm include:-

  • Will Writing

  • Trust

  • Grant of Probate

  • Vesting Order

  • Order for Sale

  • Agent of Land Bureau Estate Distribution

  • Deed of Family Arrangement

Reason to Choose Us - 为什么选择我们


It's important to choose the right people to help make a will planning. Our legal firm lawyers in the field of will have senior experience and professional ability. Not only can give the customer professional guidance and advice, but it can also make it easy to plan the will. The process is simple and fast. 

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